Christian Lepelletier

Christian and his wife Hiroko are serving as missionaries with the Unification Movement in Sao Paulo, Brazil, they are working with the small groups ministry - cell - home church - inter-faith harmony, Culture of Peace and Family Values, they were blessed in Holy Marriage by the Rev. and Mrs Moon in 1982, Seoul, Korea. Their son and daughter in law are serving the youth ministry in Brazil and their daughter and son in law are serving the youth ministry in Las Vegas.

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Location: Taboão da Serra, São Paulo, Brazil

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Meeting with Michael Fitzgerald President of the Inter-religious Council in Vatican

Meeting with the President of the Pontificial Council for the Inter-religious Dialogue from the Vatican, Michael Fitzgerald in Sao Paulo.

He came to visit the Sinagogue and participated at the Shabat Service on the 5th of august evening and delivered a short message in english, with the portuguese translation from Henri Sobel, President of the Israelite Congregation of Sao Paulo, serepresenting the Pope Bento XVI, conveying his Blessings and the commitment to continue good relationship between catholics and jews.
At the end of the Service, I went to greet him, introduced myself, gave my name card and offer to him the book:

"World Leaders Speaks: The Messiah Has Come" Remarkable Revelations From The Spiritual World

I said to him: Please read it, this is a very important revelation, and after pass it on to the Pope.

Let us pray that they can receive it. Amen !!


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