Christian Lepelletier

Christian and his wife Hiroko are serving as missionaries with the Unification Movement in Sao Paulo, Brazil, they are working with the small groups ministry - cell - home church - inter-faith harmony, Culture of Peace and Family Values, they were blessed in Holy Marriage by the Rev. and Mrs Moon in 1982, Seoul, Korea. Their son and daughter in law are serving the youth ministry in Brazil and their daughter and son in law are serving the youth ministry in Las Vegas.

My Photo
Location: Taboão da Serra, São Paulo, Brazil

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sao Paulo acting against the violence building the Culture of Peace

A meeting organized by the City Councilor Gilberto Natalini (PV), with the participation of 6 other councilors from different political party, inter religious organizations and civil society discussed on Tuesday,13 of november, at the City Hall, how to stop the wave of violence in the capital and São Paulo.

Following is the list of representatives and organizations who attended the meeting and who will integrate the São Paulo Committee for the Culture of Peace:

- Anita Schwartz- UNIBES
- Alice Pelicário- OAB/ SP e Fórum Transporte e Controle Social
- Pastora Andrea de Souza- Conselho de Pastores da Igreja Evangélica Presbiteriana
- Cerildene Medrado – Unicastelo
- Christian Lepelletier- Universal Peace Federation  UPF
- Cristiane Savickas- Instituto Pró Brasil
- Daniel Calmanowitz- Fundação Lama Gangchen para a Cultura de Paz
- Dom Tarcisio Scaramussa- Bispo Auxiliar da Arquidiocese de SP
- Dra. Damaris Moura Kuo- Comissão de Cultura de Paz da OAB-SP
- Fernando- representando Livio Giosa- Presidente da ADVB
- Guilherme- Pastoral Afro
- João Batista da Costa- UNSP- SP
- João Ramão Mendonça- Igreja Espírito Santo
- Juliana Vilarinho – Brahma Kumaris
- Lia Diskin- Palas Athena
- Luciano Luiz Forti- UNILUX
- Lucilene Isabel- AFVV Cuiabá
- Luigi Brancati- criador do Marco da Paz
- Marcos- Comissão de Cultura de Paz – PT
- Marcos Cordeiro- Revista Voz do Transporte
- Moré Ventura- Judaísmo
- Padre Ney Olvieira- Igreja Vétero Católica do Brasil
- Oriana Jara Maculet- ONG Presença da América Latina
- Padre Ticão- Igreja Católica
- Pastor Edinaldo Primo Diniz- Evangélicos
- Pastor Walter Christanoti- Evangélicos
- Padre Tarcísio- Pastoral do Belém
- Rabino Ruben Sternschein- Congregação Israelita Paulista
- Reverendo Elias de Andrade Pinto- Casa das Religiões Unidas
- Reverendo Mahesvara Catitanya Das- UNILUX e Sociedade Hare Krishna
- Rose Inojosa- UMAPAZ
- Rute Cardoso- Centro Tardo Ling
- Samuel Gomes de Lima- ABLIRC
- Vera Lucia Marcondes Cunha- Fundação Lama Ganchen
- Vereador Bispo Atílio Francisco- PRB
- Vereador Claudinho- PSDB
- Vereador Gilberto Natalini- PV
- Vereador José Police Neto- PSD
- Vereador José Rolim- PSDB
- Vereadora Marta Costa- PSD
- Vereadora Noemi Nonato- PSB
- Viviane D´Almeida- Instituto Alana
- Yáskara- Ciganos