Christian Lepelletier

Christian and his wife Hiroko are serving as missionaries with the Unification Movement in Sao Paulo, Brazil, they are working with the small groups ministry - cell - home church - inter-faith harmony, Culture of Peace and Family Values, they were blessed in Holy Marriage by the Rev. and Mrs Moon in 1982, Seoul, Korea. Their son and daughter in law are serving the youth ministry in Brazil and their daughter and son in law are serving the youth ministry in Las Vegas.

My Photo
Location: Taboão da Serra, São Paulo, Brazil

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

10 reasons Jesus did NOT come to die


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Blessing Ceremony - Sanctuary Church - February 28, 2018

Cheon Il Guk (Kingdom of God)

Book of Life Registration Blessing Ceremony

On February 28, 2018, all brothers and sisters who believe that True Father Sun Myung Moon is the Messiah and that Hyung Jin Moon is his representative and heir in the physical world who has inherited the True Parents’ authority and preserves the words and practices established by True Father, were invited to participate in an historic Perfection Stage Book of Life Registration Blessing that True Father promised. They participated by attending the ceremony at the Unification Sanctuary in Newfoundland, PA or at other locations via the Internet.  

The Accouterments of the Kingdom Are a Foundation of Faith and Substance to Unite with God’s Providence at This Time

Blessed couples were requested to bring the accouterments of the nation of Cheon Il Guk, crowns representing the sovereignty of Kings and Queens, and a “rod of iron,” designated by the Second King as an AR15 semiautomatic rifle or equivalents such as an AK semiautomatic rifle, representing both the intent and the ability to defend one’s family, community and “nation of Cheon Il Guk.” 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Biblical Proof that Lucifer had Sex With Eve

 New Testament Christianity has long held that the fall resulted because of the eating of a literal fruit. Through this video, we hope you could learn about what truly happened in the fall.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Small Group Revolution

The Small Group Revolution

From Rev. Kwak’s speech at the Central Training Center in Sutaek-ri at the special event marking the “Conferment of Cheon Seong Gyeong[1] and Hoondokhae[2] Launch Ceremony,” on March 26, 2005.[3]

From now on activities will be done by all blessed couples with the central headquarters supporting you, helping to make it possible for you to participate in activities and supplying you with educational materials.

Returning to hometown has been emphasized during three periods beginning in 1991, activities to break through in the local community have been emphasized three times since 1989, and the home church[4] providence has been emphasized since 1979. Father has repeatedly directed us to do these things and even included them in annual mottoes five times.

He has often instructed us to do home church activities geared toward breaking through in the local community. The concept of home church is the same as tongban gyeokpa (breaking through in the local community). But we have lost our focus with regard to home church, Father has instructed us to work on breaking through in our neighborhood. It is possible to break through in our local areas when we have formed home church organizations.

Excerpt from a speech of Father’s: If a tribal messiah[5] leads a clan, this is horizontal expansion. If home churches are established, the tribe can be won over. If you are successful in home church, you become a messiah. You become a person responsible for saving people. This is an amazing blessing. Unificationists are becoming tribal messiahs. Just because you become a tribal messiah doesn’t mean you do not need home church. We have to bring these together.

Comprehensive results are most effectively achieved by a movement powered by small groups.
There are countless books related to home churches. The cells multiply. The core of Cheon Il Guk[6] is an ideal family unified and living in cosmic peace. One family centered on God generates the power to grow and then to multiply to branch families. This can be carried out in various ways in the midst of our daily lives. Gatherings such as class reunions, anglers’ clubs, early morning meetings, and meetings for people sharing the same tastes are all in this candidates for where this work can take place. The final and strongest purpose for becoming involved in or creating a small group is for it to become, at its core, a home church. It is good to have a group leader and an assistant leader… If the number exceeds 16, the group should multiply to create two… We’ll be able to take responsibility together, raise people we have connected to our groups, and lead them to blessing.

All blessed members should participate in establishing small hoondok groups… We need to find the best method of developing the hoondok small groups to the level where they are able to sustain themselves and grow on their own. They should be small groups that spawn an active movement.  
All activities, all our foundation, and all of our time should be concentrated on small group activities. This is what Father wants.

All blessed members need to activate themselves through study of the word at hoondokhae and increase the number of people in their small group… the current church leaders should be working on model small group activities and organizing group leaders, so that all blessed members can lead hoondok churches and activate them from April 1.

If membership increases through the multiplication of cells, they should connect new members to the hoondok home churches. If they do so, there will be a foundation in the wards, towns and counties. That is what True Parents wish to achieve. We have to activate small hoondok groups and achieve results through hoondok home churches. We should keep an eye out for and record successful experiences, share grace through testimonies or conferences, and firmly establish our organization.
You should know that starting these interrelated small groups is a first step that can be likened to laying the cornerstone of a saved nation and world. The foundation for ward, town and county hoondok churches is based on the village, community and neighborhood. Hence its accomplishment will result in an impressive national foundation.

We all start with small hoondokhae groups. The small groups should be led by us. We have to become leaders of the Family Federation and public officials in Cheon Il Guk. Please understand that if you do not resemble one of the nerve cells, you cannot become a public official.

I found recently that speech looking through my Today´s World Magazine collection, now 13 years later (2018), I would like to comment about this important direction and I believe that “Small Group Revolution” that started in the Christian churches must spread also in the Unification Church.

For this to happen, I would like to clarify the concept of the “Cell Church” that grow and multiply successfully from house to house, family to family building a large congregation and becoming a megachurch within the context of Christian Evangelical  Churches compared to the concept of Home Church, tongban gyeokpa, hoondokhae groups within the context of the Unification Church.

Since True Father introduced the concept of Home Church in 1979, the direction was repeated by Rev Kwak, in 2005, Rev In Jin Moon´s Loving Life Ministry, and Rev Hyung Jin Moon´s Cheon Bok Gung´s Ministry in 2010. Here in Brazil, our Continental leader Rev Shin Dong Mo introduced the Home Groups providence with the help of Rev Seo Sung Jong, who introduced the one on one lecture method that should be applied together with the small group approach.

It is not by chance that the first successful cell church to realize an explosive growth is the Yoido Full Gospel, founded by David Cho in Korea.[7] In 1998, Joel Comiskey wrote the book: Home cell group explosion.[8] David Cho ushered in the modern-day cell church movement, which has now spread around the globe.[9]

We understand God and the Holy Spirit have been working and preparing the nation of Korea in the Lasts Days, as a new chosen nation for the Second Coming of Christ, in a similar way that Israel was prepared 2000 years ago before the coming of Jesus.[10]

We received the direction by our leaders to start the Home Groups in 2010. Two years later, we a had a seminar about Hoondok family church by Rev Sung Jong Seo, in Sao Paulo, where he introduced the one on one witnessing approach. 

Then I did my google search, with “small groups and one on one” and I found the Igreja da Paz (Peace Church) who is a megachurch in Santarem, north of Brazil, on the side of the Amazon river, with 65000 members that started with a small group in the eighties.

Pastor Abe Huber visited the Yoido megachurch and bought the books and spent about 10 years of study, research with trials and errors to adapt the model in Santarem where his American father and family came for missionary work. Every year thousand of pastors of all denominations are going there to attend the MDA conference. M is the “Model”, D is the “Discipleship” and A “Apostolic”.[11]

The first point is: if the leader just gives the direction and asks the members to start the “Home Groups” or “Home Church” the revolution or the result will not come by itself automatically. The healthy “cell group” to grow and multiply needs a correct DNA, and the first element of the genetic code is the “good leader”, this means a successful member who went through the proper training course, has been approved, qualified and has a coach to provide a continued update training and supervision. If the cell leader is doing well, within one year he may become e supervisor and train other cell leaders under him.

Another element of the genetic code is sharing God´s words, not by reading a text, like the Hoondok style, the focus is to build relationship between the participants, creating a loving vertical atmosphere for everyone to share his opinion freely and to be integrated in the fellowship as a family and community.

The MDA vision has seven elements of genetic code to be established in the cell group before to approve a multiplication. The cell group is one of the four columns of commitment, the members meet once a week in a home church, the second is the Sunday Service, is a moment of celebration, specially prepared with a content to complement the cell groups that gather together in a vertical atmosphere to worship and revival.

The letter “D” discipleship[12] is the third commitment to meet “one on one” once a week with your disciples. One of the requirements to start to guide a disciple is that you need to be a disciple to someone or you have already a spiritual father guiding you on the path to spiritual maturity, good character and behavior, to become holy and saint like Christ. And in turn you make and raise your own disciples as your spiritual children and they will continue to do the same process.

The “one on one” or “one to one” is an amazing principle based on father-son relationship, the “discipler” motivated with Heavenly Father´s heart invest to raise his spiritual son to become better than himself. From the viewpoint of restoration, the discipler is in the position of Abel, helping Cain to take God´s standpoint, to receive God´s love, to naturally and freely choose to obey and submit to God´s will and to multiply goodness.  

The fourth column or commitment to rise on the leadership ladder is to attend a weekly training leadership course as follow: membership class, new creature, Christian family, devotional life, cell leader training and Go and Make Disciples.

Another important point if the church leader of the local congregation wants to make a transition for the members to practice the Home Groups activities, before to ask all members to start the groups, he has to start from his home making a prototype group with the correct DNA, grow with new members, multiply and supervise and train new leaders one by one and help them to become successful.

Using the concept of the “Cell Church” (Home Church) that grows and multiplies, a blessed family needs to learn to supervise and train at least 120 cell leaders to become a tribal messiah through three main disciples, that take care of their own disciples that makes 12, then 40, then 120 cell groups. The average members are 10 to 16 by groups, in this approach we can guide and educate 430 families to become Cheon Il Guk citizens.

The Small Group revolution will occur in the Unification Church when we will learn to work together in partnership and inherit the successful Model from the victorious Christian leaders.      

[3] Todays World - April 2005 - Pag 2 :

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Is Jesus God? – Logical questions that need answers

Is Jesus God? 
The Bible is the Word of God. It tells us about the life and death — and resurrected life — of the greatest man who ever lived. His name is Jesus Christ. For centuries men have debated the identity of this unique man. Was he God? Was he a “mere” man? How did he do the things he did?
We assert that the answers lie in the Bible. If so, the question is: “What does the Bible say?” 
Here is a list of logical questions, with pertinent scripture verses, to help us know whether or not Jesus is God Almighty.
Question #1: If Jesus is God, how could he die for our sins?
Question #2: How can Jesus be “God” and have a “God” at the same time?
Question #3: If Jesus was sitting at the right hand of God in heaven when the book of Revelation was written, why does Jesus continue to make such clear statements that our heavenly Father is his “God” if he himself is God?
Question #4: If God cannot be tempted by evil, yet Jesus was tempted in every way we are, how can he be God?
Question #5: If Jesus is God, then why does he pray to God and call Him “the only true God” in John 17:3?
Question #6: If Jesus is God, why did he pray at all?
Question #7: If Jesus is God, why did he say to his disciples: “Trust in God; trust also in me”?
Question #8: According to the doctrine of the Trinity, the Father and Son are co-equal. If that is true, how can the Father be (in any way) greater than Jesus?
Question #9: How can Jesus “be like us in every way” and still be “100% man and 100% God”?
Question #10: If Jesus is God and God cannot be tempted, why would the Devil tempt Jesus?

We believe that Jesus Christ came as the "Last Adam" (second Adam) to restore the failure of the first Adam, he was a perfected Adam, a restored "Tree of Life". 
God´s plan and will was for the first Adam not to fall, Eve and Adam were not supposed to eat the forbidden "fruit". 
The coming of the Savior and Messiah Jesus was a consequence of the human failure in the Garden of Eden.
Logically there is no pre-existence of a Savior, Messiah, Jesus.
The Last Adam, must be born from God´s lineage, separated from the influence of satan, without original sin. Mary, Jesus´s mother, was chosen after a long history of foundation of faith, of sacrifice, she had a purified womb to bear a sinless child. 
Divine Principle Christology

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Interfaith Tour

São Paulo, Brazil: 
The team of four French young people who are traveling around the world, from July 2015 till April 2016, met the representative of the Universal Peace Federeation, which organizes annually (the first week of February) Interfaith Harmony Week events among other activities. UPF also works to promote peace through family values, and international, intercultural and inter-religious marriages that transcend all divisions and break down the boundaries between people, opening the way for reconciliation, cooperation and world peace. One family of all mankind under one God. (10-03-2016)

From left, Rev Christian, is showing the book of the Scriptures of Heaven, Cheon Seong Gyeong, for the visiting young people, in the 5th floor temple of the headquarters of Brazil and Latin America.

A Muslim, a Jew, one atheist and a Christian living and traveling together for a year around the world.

A project of the  Association “coexister”

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Pope stresses interfaith unity

In first prayer video, Pope stresses interfaith unity: 'We are all children of God'